Euan Macleod – Antarctica

We’ve recently finished printing a set of three multi-color prints that Euan Macleod did after a trip to Antarctica.  Every one of these prints consisted of three plates, each with multiple colors – a technique known as À la poupée . 

Printing these works took several long days of printing with 4 people involved in each one of the prints – three for inking up the plates, and one for managing the paper and press.

This video demonstrates the process of printing a single print from three plates – all plates get inked up and run through the press in a certain order.

To demonstrate how the ‘A La Poupee’ method works, the following video shows one of the plates being inked up in 2 colors.

Macleod is a regular at Cicada Press and has over the years produced some fantastic etchings – both black and white as well as multi-color representations of the figure in the landscape.

Euan Macleod
‘Smoking Man’
etching, aquatint and open-bite, printed in black ink, from one plate
plate-mark 78.5 h x 50.0 w cm
sheet 94.2 h x 63.0 w cm

Euan MacLeod ‘Trek’ , Etching, open-bite, aquatint. 300mm x 250mm